The Pregnant Bartender Is No More

No I didn’t go pop yet, it’s just finally time to change my name to “thepregnant”.

Today was my last day at work (finally) until after maternity leave.  I had long since given up the actual bartending but had been keeping myself busy with serving and other managerial chores.  Well not anymore!

I achieved my goal, I wanted to work up until the end, and though I may not pop for another week or more still, (god I hope that isn’t the case) I worked up until the day of my due date.  It wasn’t even so bad! I could keep going still, but it really is just a matter of time before the little zen comes and continuing to schedule me at this point just adds stress each week from having to cover my shifts once I do pop.  Plus, I’ll be honest, while the lack of money idea gets under my skin, it’ll be nice to have a little time ( if I get any) before he comes to relax and take care of business here at home without the time crunch pressure of having to be at work.

It’s weird to not see my name on next weeks schedule and I’ll miss some key players, but I’m happy to not have any work (the restaurant kind) in sight.

So here I am.  A little shorter in name.  Now known simply as “thepregnant” Soon (hopefully) I’ll be needing to change even that.

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