
Tag Archives: pregnancy test

The Back Story

5 days ago, 2 days after the 34th anniversary of my parents I took a pregnancy test.

For a few weeks I had been experiencing sore breasts.  I was aware but didn’t think a whole lot of it until around Sunday evening when the app I have on my iPhone alerted me that I was 2 days late in starting my period.  I have never been a 28 days on the nose kind of cycler, but that alert in conjunction with my super sore top half got my wheels turning.

I thought about it all day Monday as the cramps and spotting remained illusive, and could ignore it no longer come Tuesday.  I finally got the house to myself for a bit in the afternoon and took advantage of that alone time to pee on a stick.  The results came quickly as did the breaths as the little windows filled completely with color, then emptied slowly leaving me with a faint (but clear) plus sign.  I was (am) pregnant.

I made my way back to the couch and was in the process of working out how best to tell Ryan when he walked through the door.  Turns out verbal diarrhea was the way to go, at least, that’s the way it went.

Ultimately he voted that we not count our chickens (hopefully only one chicken) and in a week, if I still hadn’t gotten back on schedule we take another test and go from there.  That week turned into 5 days and here we are, test number 2 and you can see for yourself,

still got a chicken.

Naturally I have spent the last 5 days devouring anything I can baby/pregnancy/child rearing related.  Here are some basics that those who care may wish to know.

As of today I am 5weeks and 4 days along.

My due date (based on the pregnancy app I now have downloaded onto my phone) is February 6,2012.

I have not yet made my first Dr. appointment (will call to schedule one tomorrow as today is Sunday)

So far I really haven’t felt a whole lot different aside from the sore tatas (fingers crossed that I stay that way for a while)

The Blog

The idea of this blog is simple.  My immediate family is not close by.  They won’t get to be here to watch me grow or listen to me whine.  My family is wonderful and I know that once they find out about this little chick (that’s right, they don’t know yet.  More on how we plan to tell them later) they will have lots of questions and all want updates.  I will be happy to share everything i know and can, but this blog will be here to help clarify, hopefully fill in the blanks, and visually document the journey for all (who wish) to see (and aren’t unable to get in touch).

Facebook is not an option

Like I said, more on the reveal to come.

As Ry just said after another chat about the goings on, “Here we go!”